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Install Windows or Linux on Your Intel-Based Chromebook

In Chromebooks, Tutorials, Video by dbtech

I will not tell you if your Chromebook is compatible. Figure out what processor you’ve got and go to this link to see if your Chromebook is compatible: /=========================================/ Here’s how to install Windows 10 on a Chromebook in 2019! Installing Windows 10 on a Chromebook is actually pretty easy and only take a few minutes to prepare for. …

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How to Create a Bootable USB on a Chromebook

In Chromebooks, Tutorials, Video by dbtech

In this video I’ll show you How to Create a Bootable USB on Chrome OS Part 1 – Download the ISO you want to make into a bootable USB. Go to the website where your desired ISO is and download the ISO. Once downloaded, change the .iso extension of the filename to .bin and accept the message that tells you …