Want to share your homelab with the community?
Send an email to the address below.
Things we want to know about your homelab:
- PC/NAS/Server Specs (CPU, RAM, GPU)
- Storage Solutions
- Filesystems
- Routers/Switches/Firewalls/WAPs
- Operating Systems/Hypervisors
- Services/Containers Running
- Remote Access Methods
- Backup Solutions
- Future Goals
- Likes/Dislikes About Your Setup
Do Not Show:
- Home IPs
- Username/Passwords
- Offensive Words/Phrases/Images/Videos/ETC
- Nothing of questionable legality.
Please use your best judgement on all of the aforementioned topic areas.
Please share as much or as little as you’d like, but try to be as complete as possible.
Please know that submitting your homelab doesn’t mean that your submission will be included in any particular stream or video.
Also, note that your submission does not entitle you to any form of compensation.
You are submitting this information knowing it may be shared with an audience on a livestream.
Send an email to david+homelab@dbtechreviews.com
Make the title something obvious like “MyOnlineHandle’s Homelab Submission”
Feel free to attach pictures if you want, but it might be better to upload images to a 3rd party site like imgur and videos to YouTube.