In this blog post we’ll look at a couple of ways to update Portainer on your system. First we’ll look at how to update Portainer using OpenMediaVault. Then we’ll look at how to update Portainer on a standard Docker setup. OpenMediaVault Setup If you have OpenMediaVault installed, the process is super simple. Just login to OMV and go to OMV-Extras, …
Gamify Your Life with Habitica
Habitica is the new software I’ve been looking for to help me level up in real life! With the world in the state that it is we’re all spending a lot more time at home and, most likely, developing some bad habits along the way. I recently decided to try to get myself in gear and try to develop some …
Kanboard – Kanban Project Management System in Docker
Kanban is a methodology originally developed by Toyota to be more efficient. There are only two constraints imposed by Kanban: Visualize your workflow Limit your work in progress Visualize your workflow Your work is displayed on a board so that you have a clear overview of your project Each column represents a step in your workflow Limit your work in …
Monica PRM (Personal Relationship Manager) on Docker
Recently I did a live stream ( I’m trying to do those every Sunday moving forward I’ve done a couple of them here recently) but in the last live stream we did I talked about or very briefly I talked about a docker container called Monica and Monica is basically like a CRM (a customer relationship management software) that you …
Self-Hosting & Home Server Security Tips
In this video we’re going to look at how to help secure your home server to make sure that only the people you want to have access to your applications will be able to access your server. I’m not a security professional or a network professional, but I’ve picked up a few tips to help keep your server safer. So …
Yacht Installed on Docker – Portainer Alternative
In this video we’re going to take a look at a Docker application called Yacht. “Yacht is an alternative to Portainer that aims to make docker more accessible to the everyday person and is focused on selfhosters instead of the enterprise.” – SelfHostedPro While Yacht operates very much like Portainer, I feel like the interface is more user-friendly and information …
PaperMerge Installed on Docker – OCR Document Management System
In this video we’ll look at how to install Papermerge on Docker via a LinuxServer stack in Portainer. Papermerge is designed for scanned documents. Perfect software that will help you reduce paper clutter and keep your business organized. Instead of keeping documents, receipts, and letters in drawers, cabinets, or around your office desk you can scan and feed them to …
Whoogle Installed on Docker – Your Own Private Google Search
In our continuing effort to de-Google our lives, we’re going to take a look at hosting our own search engine to replace Google for our home use. We’re going to install Whoogle on Docker. “Get Google search results, but without any ads, javascript, AMP links, cookies, or IP address tracking. Easily deployable in one click as a Docker app, and …
Convert Portainer 1.x Templates to be Portainer 2.0 NATIVE Templates
In this video we’re going to look at how to convert Portainer 1.x templates to be Portainer 2.0 NATIVE Templates. With the release of Portainer 2.0 out, some changes have come with it that affect how we can use Application Templates. At first, there was rumor that 2.0 wouldn’t support templates at all, but then I found out via Reddit, …
Using Application Templates in Portainer 2.0
In my previous post, I showed how to upgrade from Portainer 1.24.1 to Portainer 2.0. The problem that a lot of people have with 2.0 is that they’ve removed the ability to use application templates natively. In this post I’m going to show a few ways to continue to use application templates until 2.0 is able to use them again. …