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Tonor Condenser Microphone Kit Review

In Product Review by dbtech

The Tonor Condenser Microphone Kit is a great, affordable way to make your videos sound better! The Tonor Condenser Microphone Kit includes a microphone, a scissor arm stand, a shock mount, a pop filter, and a foam cover. The Tonor Condenser Microphone Kit can be plugged directly into the microphone jack on your computer and will work, but to get …

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Speed Art Creating a YouTube Channel Banner

In Tutorials, Video by dbtech

This speed art youtube channel banner video is because a friend of mine (Nurse Shannon Vlogs) asked me to make a new banner for her channel. I thought I’d record the process of the channel banner creation process and speed it up to go with the music I chose. Check out Nurse Shannon Vlogs:… Music found from Copyright Free …

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How To Install Gitlab On Ubuntu 16.04

In Ubuntu, Video, Virtualization by dbtech

As a website or app developer, you’ll want to use some sort of code repository and versioning system to help keep your life a little more sane while you’re developing. In this video I’ll show you how to install GitLab 11.0.3-ee on a virtualized Ubuntu 16.04 setup. While installing GitLab on Ubuntu isn’t terribly difficult, it IS a bit time …

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How To: Install Ubuntu on a Chromebook

In Tutorials, Ubuntu, Video by dbtech

THIS WILL DELETE EVERYTHING FROM YOUR CHROMEBOOK. If you want to do more with your Chromebook and install Ubuntu Linux on it, this tutorial should get you going. You’ll need to enable developer mode in order to do this, but once that is done, you only have to enter a couple of commands to get Ubuntu installed on your Chromebook. …

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Review: MAONO AU-100 Lavalier Microphone

In Product Review, Video by dbtech

I think we can agree that good audio can make or break a video today. With microphones and other tech getting less expensive as time goes on, there’s no reason to have bad audio in your videos. Luckily, MAONO reached out to me and asked if I would be interested in reviewing their AU-100 condenser lavalier microphone. It comes with …

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Review: K88 SmartWatch from BangGood

In Smartwatches, Video by dbtech

I’ve been a HUGE fan of smartwatches and trackers and recently I picked up the K88 SmartWatch from The K88 SmartWatch looks and feels great! Here are some of the features: Aircraft-grade zinc and titanium alloy 12.2mm thick IP54 waterproof and dustproof rating Magnetic Milanese strap Heart rate monitor Pedometer Notifications for all your favorite apps Lost phone search …

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Virtualize Kali Linux the Easy Way

In Kali Linux, Virtualization by dbtech

Since there have been a fair number of people having issues with getting Kali Linux setup on VirtualBox, I decided to make another video showing a MUCH easier way to get up and running with Kali Linux on VirtualBox. The default username is: root The default password is: toor I’m running Windows 10 and have Oracle VM Virtual Box installed …

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Installing Windows XP on VirtualBox

In Virtualization, Windows by dbtech

I got a comment the other day asking how to virtualize Windows XP on VirtualBox, so I thought I would do a video on the process of how to do just that. You can download Windows XP from Microsoft here: You’ll need a CD Key to install the operating system and you’re on your own for that. Don’t ask, …