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How To Install ElementaryOS In VirtualBox

In Tutorials, Video, Virtualization by dbtech

ElementaryOS on VirtualBox is a video that I’ve been wanting to make for a while and have FINALLY gotten around to. The thing I like initially about ElementaryOS is that it has a very clean aesthetic and looks like Mac OS. Overall, ElementaryOS seems to be lightweight and snappy. What I’m Running I’m running Windows 10 and have Oracle VM …

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First Look at Mageia 7 RC1 on VirtualBox

In Video, Virtualization by dbtech

The video will be a First Look at Mageia 7 RC1 on VirtualBox. Installing First Look at Mageia 7 RC1 on VirtualBox is a pretty simple process that only takes a few minutes. If you want to follow along, here are the links you’ll need Mageia Website: Mageia RC7 Download: VirtualBox: You’ll want to give the Virtual …

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How To Install POP!_OS On VirtualBox

In Tutorials, Video, Virtualization by dbtech

To continue the software series of videos, I want to take a look at how to install POP!_OS on VirtualBox. POP!_OS is a SUPER clean Linux distribution that is a bit system-intense, but it’s super friendly and easy to use. System76 explains the operating system better than I can, so here’s what they have to say about POP!_OS: “We believe …

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Virtualize Kali Linux the Easy Way

In Kali Linux, Virtualization by dbtech

Since there have been a fair number of people having issues with getting Kali Linux setup on VirtualBox, I decided to make another video showing a MUCH easier way to get up and running with Kali Linux on VirtualBox. The default username is: root The default password is: toor I’m running Windows 10 and have Oracle VM Virtual Box installed …